Why Should You Invest in Agricultural Lands in Turkey?

Why Should You Invest in Agricultural Lands in Turkey?

At Agrolidya, our mission is to provide investors access to high quality farmland investment opportunities in the Turkey while employing sustainable farming practices with respect.
Farmland can be divided into two subcategories, annual row crops and permanent crops. Annual row crops such as barley, corn, wheat, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce and others are planted and harvested annually or more often. Permanent crops such as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and olives have plant structures such as trees or vines that yield annual crops without being replanted.
Driven by rising demand for food, decreasing land supply, low correlation with other assets and historically strong performance, it is thus not a surprise that more investors are looking to access farmland as an investment opportunity. As with other types of real estate, farmland investors also benefit from tax savings through depreciation.
We will manage your valued agricultural Investments, through the centennial experience, which we gained from our ancestors in the agricultural sector.
The journey starts by ensuring we choose 'the right product' for 'the right land’. Then the meticulous process of land cultivation, planting, maintaining your product and harvesting follow. We are very fortunate to be in Manisa, as it has the most fertile lands in Anatolia.
We provide our investors with a fantastic opportunity to make an agricultural investment in Walnuts, Almonds, Olives, and Pistachio orchards. We provide a Personal, Professional Garden Maintenance Service for you. Our aim is to provide your first harvest as soon as possible.
Having carefully selected the best land for your agricultural investment in Turkey, whether you have invested in a walnut, pistachio, almond or olive orchard, we will strive to achieve the maximum return on your personal project.