Frequently asked questions about Walnut Garden Investment


Why Walnut Garden Investment?

The Walnut is one of the most beneficial income-generating products in the agricultural sector. While the annual income for wheat, barley, etc. agricultural products, is around 850usd/ha, it is possible to earn an income in the range of 15.000usd -20.000usd from a Walnut garden of the same size. Although Walnut production is common throughout the world, they are not a huge commodity in many countries, so Walnut prices continue to increase every year.


 After how many years does the walnut tree begin to bear fruit?

With professional care, the correct climate and terrain, it is possible to earn a commercial income from the 4th year. Although some people calculate an income from the 3rd year, when we factor in that many trees in the land will not have fully developed in the 3rd year, it would be wrong to expect commercial income.


What should be considered when investing in a walnut garden?


Although the Walnut is a less risky product to grow than many fruits, some early mistakes can cause unnecessary risks in a walnut garden investment.


Land selection ;

The soil structure of the land must be suitable for Walnut cultivation. Unfortunately, many investors have lost money with the wrong land selection. Land selection factors should include paying attention to all issues, such as water supply, electricity, access to labour.


Land Preparation.

The proposed land for the Walnut garden investment should be correctly prepared by firstly doing the necessary soil analysis. Incorrect land preparation will lead to money and time losses over the years.


Sapling Selection ;

Another important point is the selection of the right sapling variety. The place where the seedlings are taken from is very important here. If we take from the wrong place, then we will only truly find this out after the 4 years growth. This will result in 4 wasted years, so it is vital we get this important task right.

Irrigation System Installation

A very large amount of water is required for the production of a healthy Walnut garden. Therefore, an efficient irrigation system should be installed, ensuring we use the minimum energy, for the shortest period.




Care of the walnut orchard


After the Walnut garden installation is complete, it is vital that ongoing management is provided. The management of the garden must be provided by an expert agricultural engineer. Depending on the size of the land, several people should be employed as permanent staff. This will ensure the Almond land is continously maintained, which will ensure a great Walnut harvest after 4 years.



Walnut Garden Investment

Turkey is a very special location for growing Walnuts as we have very fertile land. It is one of the rare countries in the world that can produce in all 4 seasons. Thanks to this, thousands of different agricultural products are produced throughout Turkey. Walnut Garden Investments have increased in recent years and Turkey is now known as the homeland of Walnuts. Even if all the existing orchards have reached full yield, they will still be able to meet 70% of their Walnut needs. In addition, Walnuts can be easily transported to large markets both inside and outside of Turkey. We are currently exporting to markets in the Middle East, Russia, Europe, and Africa. This proves that investments made in a Walnut garden market will always bebeneficial.


Recent Walnut Gardens for Sale in Turkey

In recent years, there has been a major increase in the search for Walnut orchards for sale in Turkey. Both Turkish and Foreign investors are keen to join this growing market, with the Walnut orchard being seen as a great investment. Manisa is the most popular city for Walnut orchard investments within Turkey. The ideal climate, the availability of land and the richness of water resources are some of the reasons why Manisa is preferred for Walnut Garden investments.



What is the Initial Investment Cost of the Walnut Garden?

With increasing land and material prices, investment costs are increasing daily. The current investment cost of a 1-hectare Walnut orchard is approximately 75,000usd.