Pros of Agricultural Land Investment in Turkey

Pros of Agricultural Land Investment in Turkey

How much the investment instruments will appreciate or lose value is entirely related to the supply-demand balance. The higher the demand for a product, the higher its value will be. Considering that people's needs for agricultural products and the demand for them are constantly increasing, it can be stated that agricultural lands are also a very important investment tool.


One of the prominent countries in the world in agricultural land investments is Turkey. Considered as an agricultural country, Turkey has significant advantages in agricultural investments. So what are these pluses?


  • Regular Income

The most important factor that shows how risky investments is volatility. Many investors prefer US 10-year bonds because of their low volatility and regular income characteristics. Did you know that farmland has similarly low volatility?
With low volatility and low risk, agricultural land investments in Turkey provide regular income. In addition, thanks to agricultural insurance, how much profit you will make annually is guaranteed to a great extent.


  • Stable Valuation

Agricultural lands in Turkey are valued steadily. In the last 20 years, the value of agricultural lands has increased approximately 3 times. Similarly, it is expected that the land values will increase in the coming years.

Due to the opening of agricultural lands for construction, there is a serious decrease in the lands to be cultivated. On the other hand, the demand for agricultural products is constantly increasing. Due to the two issues mentioned above, it can be stated that agricultural lands and agricultural products will increase in value over time. This situation is very advantageous for investors.


  • Hedging From Inflation

You can protect your money from inflation by investing in agricultural land in Turkey. Inflation, which has increased rapidly in recent years, causes a decrease in the purchasing power of money. To overcome such a problem, you can invest in agricultural lands in Turkey.

The price of farmland is often valued more than the inflation rate. The same is true for agricultural products. Therefore, investing in agricultural land will prevent you from being affected by inflation.


  • Low Initial Investment Cost

Interest in agricultural investments has increased in recent years. It is possible to make such an investment in different countries of the world. However, Turkey is one of the most ideal options with its reasonable initial investment cost. The fact that agricultural land prices are more affordable than other countries in the world, and that the cost of establishing a professional garden is similarly low are the advantages of Turkey.


How to Invest in Agricultural Lands in Turkey?

You can benefit from the services we have provided to you to invest in agricultural land in Turkey. Within the scope of our services, we find suitable agricultural land and ensure that you purchase it with 100% title deed.

We plant suitable trees of high commercial value such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios and olives on the purchased land and maintain it for many years. We sell the products harvested from the trees for you and transfer the income to you.