What are the Most Profitable Agricultural Land Investments in Turkey?

What are the Most Profitable Agricultural Land Investments in Turkey?

 With its climate and fertile lands, Turkey is among the most suitable options for investment in agriculture. There are different types of agricultural investments to be made here. So, which is the most profitable agricultural investment in Turkey? You can find the answer to this question and the details about agricultural investment in the continuation of our article.


Agricultural Land Investment in Turkey

When it comes to agricultural land, in the past, only the areas where farmers used to produce would come to mind. Today, these areas where agricultural productions are made have also become an investment tool. Investments are made in agricultural lands as well as in different investment instruments such as bonds, stocks and commodities.

Agricultural lands in Turkey have more than enough conditions for investment. The fertile soils and the suitable climate for agricultural products with high commercial value are the details that make Turkey stand out at this point. Apart from these, another important issue is that the initial investment cost is lower than in other countries.


Most Profitable Agricultural Land Investments in Turkey

The correct selection of the land and the product to be grown in the agricultural investment to be made in Turkey directly affects the profitability. Those with high commercial value and productivity yield high profits when professionally grown on the right lands. The most profitable agricultural land investments in Turkey and the details regarding them are as follows:



In addition to its high commercial value, walnut is a fruit in which the demand for it is constantly increasing. The ideal climate for walnuts in Turkey ensures both high yields and high quality products. When a 10-acre walnut orchard is 10 years old, it will generate a profit of $19,000 per year.



Almond is a fruit used in different fields and therefore demand is always high. Almond with high productivity provides very high income under the right conditions. When a 10-acre almond orchard reaches its ideal yield, it can generate annual revenues of $18,000.


• Pistachio

Turkey has fertile soils and ideal climate that pistachios need. It takes the second place in the ranking of the most productive countries in the world in pistachio cultivation. With modern agricultural practices, productivity, which is already high, can be increased even more. A 10-acre pistachio orchard provides an annual income of over $35,000 to its investor when it reaches ideal productivity.



Turkey is among the most productive countries in the world in olive production. Olive oil, which is used in different fields, is also very valuable. This product, which does not have a market problem, provides an annual income of $ 17,500 to its investor on a 10-acre garden.

These are the most profitable agricultural land investments in Turkey. Figures given are averages and may vary depending on different factors. It should also be noted that this high profitability can only be achieved with professional garden management services. If you want to make such a profitable agricultural investment, you can contact us immediately.