Does Agricultural Investment In Turkey Protect Against Inflation?

Does Agricultural Investment In Turkey Protect Against Inflation?

Inflation has become one of the most important problems of recent years. Considering the economic data and expert opinions, it can be said that this problem will continue for a while. It is very important to make the right investments to protect your money against inflation. At this point, it is wondered whether investing in agriculture in Turkey will protect against inflation. In the continuation of our article, you can find the answer to this question and other advantages of agricultural land investments.


What is Inflation?

Inflation; in the simplest terms, it is an increase in product prices over time and a decrease in the purchasing power of money. For example; The fact that you could buy 5 of a product with $20 you have, while you can buy 4 as a result of the increase in the price of the product, is explained as inflation. With inflation, your money loses value.

Those who do not make the right investments in a period of inflation will have to become poorer to a certain extent. Therefore, in such times, it is almost imperative to determine the right investment tools and invest in them.


Ways to Avoid Inflation

In order to be protected from inflation, it is necessary to turn to investments that will increase in value over time. At this point, options such as stocks, bonds and gold can be preferred. In addition to these, it should not be forgotten that agricultural investments are also an important option. When you choose the right investment tools, your investments gain more value than the inflation rate, and you protect your money from inflation.


Portfolio Diversification

The most effective way to protect against inflation is to choose the right investment tools. However, at this point, it would be better to create a basket of different instruments instead of turning to a single investment tool. This method, which is expressed as portfolio diversification, is one of the golden rules of investment. This diversity will minimize investment risks. Agricultural lands are also an important and effective option for portfolio diversification.


Hedging Inflation by Investing in Agriculture in Turkey

You can invest in agriculture in Turkey to avoid inflation. Agricultural lands have gained more value than inflation in almost every period. In a study covering the years 1960 to 2012, while the average inflation was 4%, the return on agricultural land was 11%. In the same period, the return on gold remained at the level of 8%. Considering the figures here, it can be stated that agricultural lands bring more income than an important investment tool such as gold.

When you invest in agriculture in Turkey and ensure that the land is managed professionally, you will get high yields and high profits. In this process, both your land and the products you produce are valued more than the inflation rate.


How to Invest in Agriculture in Turkey?

In order to invest in agriculture in Turkey, first of all, it is necessary to find a suitable land, and then to determine the right agricultural product to be grown here. At first glance, you may think that such a process is almost impossible for you. However, thanks to our professional garden management services, investing in agriculture is much easier than you think.

In the professional garden management service, first of all, a suitable land is found for you. The establishment of the garden from scratch, its maintenance and the sale of the harvested products are also done by us. A detailed feasibility report is presented to you along with the land. This report includes the initial investment cost, the maintenance costs of the garden over the years, the revenues to be obtained and the profit rates. Thus, you can see in detail how much you can invest and how much profit you will make. You can contact us for detailed information on the subject.